The Kinster

The Kinster

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Amazement #456563

She always amazes me!  Kinsley and I have been battling colds the last few days.  It has been hard watching her struggle to breath right and it is even harder knowing I gave her the stupid cold!!  But she is such a trooper, most times during the day you would hardly know she had a fever or a cold!  She plays right on through the snot, sneezes, and cough.  Makes me think this is all a ploy to get more solid foods and not so much boring BM from a bottle!!  Chunkers ate cereal, green beans, sweet potatoes, and peaches today!  My mom told me today that she was going to turn orange if I didn't give her some greens!  Kins wasn't a huge fan but of course ate them anyway.

Kari, at Dr. Miller's office has called to let us know that Kinsley's next surgery will take place April 14th at 9:15AM.  This calls means two things 1) insurance has approved the procedure once again (YAY!) and 2) we will be one step closer to removing the large nevus completely.  People told us the surgeries would get easier as we go and I suppose they think this because we know what to expect but it's so not true (so please stop telling us this).   Picking up your baby from the recovery room is never easy.  We just pray that we get control of her pain early on, rather than waiting like they did on the first one.

We are still waiting on word from our pediatrician about scheduling the MRI.  I have resisted the urge to call for a few days now.  I Suppose it is time that to let Jesus take the wheel, at least that is what Carrie Underwood would tell me.  Well, I must log off my blog and do some homework.  Lord knows that isn't going to get done itself. 

I will write again when I hear back from her pediatrician.  Hope everyone is having a lovely week.  If Kinsley is feeling better tomorrow, Tad and I will head up to Mayo for his yearly exam!! 

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